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Special Education

Nbisiing Secondary School empowers our learners through culturally grounded education to reach high levels of education that inspire and nurture each learner on their unique path to higher education. 


Nbisiing Secondary School offers all students to:

  • Reach their full potential

  • Embrace lifelong learning

  • Model the richness of the culture and language

  • To appreciate Nbisiing’s Nishinaabemwin, AND

  • Be a responsible member of society


We strive to be inclusive and honour everyone in the circle of learning.  We acknowledge the diversity of each learner in our school community.


Students who have behavioural, communicational, intellectual, physical, or multiple exceptionalities may require special education programs and/or services to benefit fully from their school experience.

These may take the form of accommodations (such as specific teaching strategies, preferential seating, and/or assistive technology) and/or an educational program that is modified from the age-appropriate grade-level expectations in a particular course or subject, as outlined in the Ministry of Education's curriculum policy documents.

Therefore, when regarding exceptional students, Nbisiing Secondary School will:

  • Ensure that all students with exceptionalities will have access to special education services appropriate to their needs

  • Make certain that exceptional students are educated in the most enabling, AND the least restrictive environment possible;

  • Establish cooperation with agencies in the community who serves  the needs of exceptional students

  • Ensure effective parental consultation in the assessment, identification, placement and review for exceptional students


Carole Couillard

Nbisiing’s Special Education Teacher


Nbisiing Secondary School

469B Couchie Memorial Drive, North Bay Ontario, P1B 8G5

Phone: 705-497-9938

Fax: 705-497-0389

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